How to find focus in a busy, stressful routine
Have you ever faced your daily routine without a proper rest? Difficulties in falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night…tired of being tired?
Every day millions of people suffer from sleep disorders, which have a significant impact on health and their quality of life. We know these issues very well and believe that, with a little help, everyone can have a quiet and relaxed night.
That’s why Stellini thought to introduce a completely natural solution to improve your sleep in a more comfortable environment.

Objectivity test
Sensory evaluation of the RELAX fabric on a targeted panel of 20 persons aged 20 to 40 carried out at ITA Test (Poland) in accordance with the third iteration of the PB15/DA testing procedure of 12.02.2013
The gentle solution for instant sleep and stress relief
Do we have time to relax with so many things to do? Easier said than done with so many demands on our time during the day, so let’s combine it with our sleep!
But what really are the Health benefits of being relaxed?
- Better sleep
- Improved concentration
- Greater efficiency in daily activities
- Slowing your heart rate, less work for your heart
- Reduced blood pressure
- Reduced need for oxygen
- Increasing blood flow to the major muscles
- Fewer symptoms of illness, such as headaches
- More energy
- Stress relief
RELAX and better sleep quality: the perfect duo for a good night’s rest.
RELAX isn’t just beneficial for improving health, mental strength and stress levels, it can also help you sleep better.
It’s a natural well-being solution and promotes sleep thanks to the mixture of hemp oil and cannabidiol CBD extract.
The main ingredients for a good night’s sleep Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, is a hemp molecule contained in the cannabis plant, Cannabis sativa. Hemp is a natural active ingredient with no psychotropic effects.